Saturday, May 30, 2015

First project announcement: The King of Braves GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING

Hey, Clawshrimpy here.

With the first episode almost ready to release, just have to finish up with encoding, I think it's time to formally announce the project.

I am happy to announce [clawsubs] first project, GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING!

What is this?

So, GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING is esentially a "re-imagining" of GaoGaiGar FINAL. Taking FINAL's content for 12 TV length episodes as opposed to 8 OVAs.

So it's just FINAL spread out into 12 episodes?

Not exactly. It IS technically a remake, even if footage assets from both FINAL and the TV series are present here. Because they need to fill episode time to be able to spread FINAL out over 12 episodes, GATHERING turns that into an asset with brand new scenes, new narrator bits, appearances by Lamia from Betterman, and in some cases, some updated art assets! This becomes more pronounced later in the show.

GATHERING is also, unlike FINAL, very friendly to people who have never watched the TV series, or haven't re-watched in a while. This is because of some new recap sequences which serve to get new people up to speed. GATHERING also makes a big effort to combat some of FINAL'S biggest flaws, like toning down the fanservice a bit. (This aired on TV) and using the new scenes to explain some of the vague stuff, and enhance other parts of the story. (compare this to stuff like Gurren Lagann's "re-imagining" movies which doubled down on the fanservice and added a bunch of superflous things that weren't needed.)

Why would you bother subbing such a minor remake?

Because GaoGaiGar just feels..... incomplete without it. In my opinion, the stuff GATHERING adds really does make FINAL better, and I was already someone who would be a staunch defender of FINAL, flawed though it might be.

Wait, are you subbing this all by yourself?

correct, I don't have a team. So I do worry about screwing up a translation, especially since I'm still learning Japanese, so if any of you notice that I mistranslated a thing, let me know what it is, especially if you can put me in the right direction so I can go back and fix it and re-release the episode in question. At the end of the day, I think there are folks out there who just want this to get subbed, and if the person who has to do it is me, then so be it. I guess it's only ironic that I, having built a reputation of infamy around my thoughts on this show among the mecha community, it's only fitting that I try to do something about Grand Gloriious Gathering not being subbed, as a way to "give back" for all the arguments I've gotten into.

If you want to support me in trying this, I could use a translator to check my translations or help me with words or sentences I struggle with, or you could just off the cuff point out things I need to go and fix just by seeing my releases and pointing out mistakes to me. We're in this together and I just want to do this to express my love and passion for this wonderful, overlooked, show.

Provided there are those of you out there who'll be following along as I release episodes, It'll be fun to essentially watch this show in english together for the first time!

If you need to contact me, tweet at me at @Clawshrimpy, hit up my tumblr at
or just e-mail me at or add me on Steam (Claw) or Skype (clawshrimpy)

I look forward to both feedback, and potentially to talk about watching the show and what's going on with each episode! Expect the first episode very soon!

Oh and if we talk on twitter, let's get the word out to all GGG fans and get #somethingisgathering or maybe even #theoathofcourage trending.

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