Thursday, May 28, 2015

Watch this space, Something is "gathering" on the horizon.

Clawshrimpy here, I know my name is something of a terrible curse within the greater mecha community, but I want to be able to do something to give back to mecha fans, not to ask for forgiveness for the way I've acted or my controversial opinions, but to instead be willing to put aside your differences for me, and allow me to test what I've learned in Japanese to be able to give you all something great.

So yes, I'm getting into this fansubbing business, and yes, I'm gonna have to try and do it all by myself, so releases are going to be slow.

"But Claw" you might be asking "You hate everything, what could you possibly want to fansub?"

While it's true that I am particular when it comes to my interests irt mecha anime, and the list of what I like and what I hate is vastly different. I've think I've found just the thing to work on.

I'm not gonna say what it is until the first release comes. But I already gave you a hint.

watch this blog and my twitter @Clawshrimpy for updates!

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