Saturday, September 26, 2015

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 02: The Airborne City Strategy!

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 02: The Airborne City Strategy!

Clawshrimpy here with Episode 02 of Dagwon! Antoid aliens called Zargoss-seijin come down from Sargasso in order to take up a chunk of the city with an anti-gravity generator, and what's worse, the other's don't exactly share En's enthusiasm about being Dagwons. Kai is annoyed this is getting pushed onto students and won't have a part in it, Shin is too god damn busy trying to get a girlfriend, and Yoku... Yoku actually kinda has an understandable reason to want to stay away, since he just doesn't want to fight. Ryu well... is being Ryu. The others eventually come to their senses and duck out of class to help out. But then the Zargoss-seijins pull out their ship and robot, But then the Fire Jumbo arrives and DagFire combines with it and it's stored support vehicle parts and combines into Fire Dagwon! Also En is rude to an old groundskeeper all episode, but then ends up buried in schoolwork because said old man is, in fact, the principal.


Enjoy everyone, and oh, by the way, could you sign this?

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