Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 04: Destroy The Ultimate Weapon!

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 04: Destroy The Ultimate Weapon!

Clawshrimpy here bringing you another episode of Dagwon, though sadly IMO this episode is kind of worse than the previous ones, but I'll spare you a rant here. Kai, Shin, and Yoku are successful in dealing with the tsunami, thanks to them using Juuren Gattai (Coupling Combination) to become Liner Dagwon (which Liner Dagwon is the only good part of this episode.) So a alien that psychically controls tops is causing problems, and for whatever reason, Shin had decided to be a massive asshole this episode, going on about how he doesn't like being ordered around by Kai and thinking Kai is just using him and Yoku when they become Liner Dagwon and getting himself trapped in the giant top. however it's eventually resolved and the day is saved, but not before finding a shitty way to end the episode. Oh well, maybe episode 5 will be better.


Enjoy everyone, even if I hated this one.


  1. I have to admit, you have done a great job translating these. I can't wait to see more!

  2. Hey, you still subbing? Just sayin', it's been a few months since the last subbed episode...

    Great work by the way!
