Monday, September 28, 2015

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 03: DagFire, Combat is Impossible!

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 03: DagFire, Combat is Impossible!

Clawshrimpy here bringing you more Dagwon! In this episode a lovable slime monster called Gallon-seijin who only wants hugs arrives in the city, but it turns out the hugs sort of drain your life force. En finds this out the hard way when he gets slimed and ends up unconcious. The others try to track this thing down in a factory where they think they beat it, but then it gets even bigger, and with En not able to fight in his condition, Kai, Shin, and Yoku use Yuugou Gattai for the first time, becoming DagTurbo, DagArmor, and DagWing in order to deal with the slime. But something else is up as a top-shaped alien ship comes out of Sargasso and causes a tsunami.,,


Enjoy everyone and please don't hug that slime.

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