Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 04: Destroy The Ultimate Weapon!

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 04: Destroy The Ultimate Weapon!

Clawshrimpy here bringing you another episode of Dagwon, though sadly IMO this episode is kind of worse than the previous ones, but I'll spare you a rant here. Kai, Shin, and Yoku are successful in dealing with the tsunami, thanks to them using Juuren Gattai (Coupling Combination) to become Liner Dagwon (which Liner Dagwon is the only good part of this episode.) So a alien that psychically controls tops is causing problems, and for whatever reason, Shin had decided to be a massive asshole this episode, going on about how he doesn't like being ordered around by Kai and thinking Kai is just using him and Yoku when they become Liner Dagwon and getting himself trapped in the giant top. however it's eventually resolved and the day is saved, but not before finding a shitty way to end the episode. Oh well, maybe episode 5 will be better.


Enjoy everyone, even if I hated this one.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 03: DagFire, Combat is Impossible!

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 03: DagFire, Combat is Impossible!

Clawshrimpy here bringing you more Dagwon! In this episode a lovable slime monster called Gallon-seijin who only wants hugs arrives in the city, but it turns out the hugs sort of drain your life force. En finds this out the hard way when he gets slimed and ends up unconcious. The others try to track this thing down in a factory where they think they beat it, but then it gets even bigger, and with En not able to fight in his condition, Kai, Shin, and Yoku use Yuugou Gattai for the first time, becoming DagTurbo, DagArmor, and DagWing in order to deal with the slime. But something else is up as a top-shaped alien ship comes out of Sargasso and causes a tsunami.,,


Enjoy everyone and please don't hug that slime.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 02: The Airborne City Strategy!

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 02: The Airborne City Strategy!

Clawshrimpy here with Episode 02 of Dagwon! Antoid aliens called Zargoss-seijin come down from Sargasso in order to take up a chunk of the city with an anti-gravity generator, and what's worse, the other's don't exactly share En's enthusiasm about being Dagwons. Kai is annoyed this is getting pushed onto students and won't have a part in it, Shin is too god damn busy trying to get a girlfriend, and Yoku... Yoku actually kinda has an understandable reason to want to stay away, since he just doesn't want to fight. Ryu well... is being Ryu. The others eventually come to their senses and duck out of class to help out. But then the Zargoss-seijins pull out their ship and robot, But then the Fire Jumbo arrives and DagFire combines with it and it's stored support vehicle parts and combines into Fire Dagwon! Also En is rude to an old groundskeeper all episode, but then ends up buried in schoolwork because said old man is, in fact, the principal.


Enjoy everyone, and oh, by the way, could you sign this?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 01: Birth! The Brave High School Students!

Brave Command Dagwon Episode 01: Birth! The Brave High School Students!

Clawshrimpy here, bringing you the first episode of The Brave Command Dagwon! Five High School Students from Sankai High School end up in trouble after a mysterious sand monster from space appears, They are then asked by another alien calling himself Brave-seijin to defend the earth from aliens coming from an alien criminal space-prison. They become the Brave team called Dagwon, and gain the ability to fight and fuze with machines into robots. Also one of them is supposed to be grounded for a week, so this is gonna be a bit hard to explain...


Enjoy everyone, and don't worry, I've decided to drive for my first time! No driving classes required!

Thursday, September 24, 2015


That's right, [ClawSubs] was not a one off guys, I'm coming back into the fansubbing game by subbing another Brave show, The Brave Command Dagwon!

The Brave Command Dagwon aired in 1996, and was the Brave show that came directly before GaoGaiGar. It aired for 48 episodes, and had a short 2-episode OVA called The Boy With Crystal Eyes.

Dagwon is... very different, it was something of an odd experiment. It bares very little in common with the other brave shows, and draws more from things like Ultraman and Super Sentai. But just because it's different does not mean it's bad, just a bit of an unfortunate black sheep because they wanted to try something different.

Although I think generally speaking it's kinda heavily flawed and there are definitely things about it I do not like, and thus I think it's still very inferior to the show that came around a year later, I will say that it's probably better than most of the rest of the Brave shows, I can tell you in my opinion it's way better done than both Da Garn and J-Decker put together. There are assholish problematic characters I hate, but unlike say, Da Garn, because of the Sentai approach, there are characters I like that serve as great foils for the unlikable characters in the cast. However it does have major flaws due to the episodic nature of the plot. (theres no huge world building, subplots, and thought-provoking mythos like GGG) but instead it focuses on the lives of these characters and how they have to deal with the task of fighting random aliens of the week while still managing their high school lives.

Dagwon is notable because it's soundtrack is the second best soundtrack in the Brave series, (it's so good music from it got reused in GGG, which already had the best soundtrack) and it was incredibly popular among women due to it's slight fangirl appeal. (which was played up a bit in the OVA, much like how the popularity with otaku was played up in GGG FINAL.... for better and worse.)

So, I hope you'll check it out!

By the way, my previous completed project, GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING, made it onto bakabt if you still want to watch that

Anyway, the first Dagwon release will be coming soon!

Friday, July 24, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 12: Mythology! (Grand Finale)

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 12: Mythology!

Well everyone, here it is, the final episode of GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING. The final battle draws to a close and things wrap up. I don't want to say any more than that because... The ending really is something special. That's why the screen I took is just the title. There were definitely points while translating this that I broke down in tears. Now that it's all over, I want to thank you all for being patient and for coming on this journey with me. It means so much to me that I was not only able to complete this, but for all the kind words other fans have sent me, It really means a lot, you guys.



Please enjoy everyone, and go Together, with The Oath Sworn With Courage...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 11: The One Who Exceeds Life

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 11: The One Who Exceeds Life

Clawshrimpy here with Episode 11 of GaoGaiGar Gathering. Well, the final battle between the brave heroes and the Sol Lords has begun, The Sol Lords manage to inflict a crushing defeat on the heroes thanks to Pisa Sol, But, Mamoru's courage leads them to press onward! Can they grasp victory? We're almost done, you guys, there's just one episode left.



Please enjoy everyone, It's time to unleash our life!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 10: The Super-Brave Armageddon!

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 10: The Super-Brave Armageddon!

Clawshrimpy here with episode 10 of GaoGaiGar GRAND Glorious Gathering! 3G has been restored and shows up to help, however the 11 Planetary Lords of Sol divide our heroes into 1 on 1 battles. By cmbining the G-Stone and J-Jewel, J and Renee get King J-Der working again, only to realize fighting Pia Decem will only hurt Kaidou, and everyone ends up isolated, even Mamoru gets pulled into a 1 on 1 duel with his father to protect the 3G fleet.



Please enjoy everyone, and remember that a phoenix is always reborn in flame!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 09: His Name Is G! (Genesic)

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 09: His Name Is G! (Genesic)

Clawshrimpy here with another episode of GaoGaiGar Gathering! In this episode, The Destruction God Genesic GaoGaiGar finally arrives, with Guy having control of his mind again. Things seem to be turning around, but Palus Abel orders the activation of Pisa Sol, the Regeneration Machine. And with the other Sol Lords finally assuming their battle forms, things look dire again, But then the reinforcements arrive...



Please enjoy everyone, and remember as long as you have faith in the Oath, Courage will not die!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 08: Wishing Star, Granting Star

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 08: Wishing Star, Granting Star.

Clawshrimpy here with subs of episode 8 of GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING. This is another really emotional episode, if you couldn't tell.  The Replijin Vehicle Robos turn on their Sol Lord masters and sacrifice themselves to stop the mind-controlled Guy's Goldion Hammer, There's a touching purification scene as Guy tried to reclaim himself with Mamoru and Mikoto's help, and then things get really bad again as not only are J and Renee cornered by Pia Decem and crew, Mamoru thought Mikoto and Guy would be safe in the G-Crystal while he prepares Galeon, but apparently not. Also, if that's not emotional enough, they use a different ED than the usual for this episode.... Hana's image song. Now I'm crying and it won't stop.



Please enjoy everyone, and remember the only thing that can overcome regeneration, is destruction...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 07: The White Ark of Restoration!

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 07: The White Ark of Restoration!

Clawshrimpy here bringing you another translated episode of GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING. So yeah, things are looking pretty bad with GaoFighGar being destroyed, Guy being defeated, and 3G still within the grip of Palparepa's Paras Particles and the Mobile Unit still online, but Mikoto returns to her old self since, well, formally being the New Machine Species has it's perks, MAMORU COMES BACK, and a freed J allows the J-Ark to return to the skies. However, Pia Decem and Palus Abel have a ship of their own, with a Kaidou-powered bio-computer, leading them into yet another trap.



Please enjoy everyone, and remember that the sky is the best thing.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 06: The King of Braves Final Day!

The King of Braves GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING Episode 06: The King of Braves Final Day!

Told you the emotions and feels would only increase, right? So, The 11 Planetary Lords of Sol, it looks like they've won. The 3G members are convinced that nothing will come from fighting and they should just relax on the duplicate Earth, and shut down the Mobile Unit, Kaidou, Papillon and Renee are ambushed, and Guy is led into a trap. But since there are still 6 episodes left, there is still hope....



Please enjoy, everyone, and remember, when you lose faith in yourself, the battle for yourself begins...

Monday, June 22, 2015



Clawshrimpy here with episode 5 of GaoGaiGar Gathering! Our heroes arrive on a duplicate Earth in the Trinary Solar System, which just ends up raising a lot of questions, for one, Kaidou is PRETTY SURE the Trinary Solar System wasn't like this before, and for two, they run into a face they didn't expect. The rest of the episode is largely some interesting Betterman tie-in stuff, so if you love Betterman, this is the episode for you! And we get some gut-wrenching setup at the end, because this next one's gonna be a big one...



Please enjoy, everyone! it's right behind you

Thursday, June 18, 2015



Sorry for the wait everyone! Clawshrimpy back with another episode of GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING! This episode gets pretty emotional just like the last few, but in more of a mourning and "that's not fair" kind of way rather than the huge shock last time. So, Kaidou plays Mr. Exposition and explains about The 11 Planetary Lords of Sol, and what led to this whole mess with the Pas-Q Machine. 3G naturally wants to go to the Trinary Solar System and save Mamoru if he's still alive, and stop the thing destroying our universe, but the politicians don't think that's such a good idea! "That sounds like it's gonna cost us a lot of money we'd rather use to harvest The Power for personal gain!" "That anomaly could take over a hundred years to effect the Earth! We just don't know!" But 3G's not let a little thing like what the top brass tell them to do stop them before, right?



Please enjoy, everyone! Have faith!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING 03- Destruction Gods! The Decisive Battle in the Storm!

GaoGaiGar FINAL GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING 03- Destruction Gods! The Decisive Battle in the Storm!

Clawshrimpy here with another episode of GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING for you. Well.. I think the screen above accurately sums up the massive amount of feels I have for this episode, especially given Gathering's gut-wrenching set-up for it last time. I cried, hard. And I know it probably won't be the last time. I don't even know how to even describe this episode without ruining the experience. Due to a death caused by his actions in getting the Pas-Q Machine together, Mamoru is confronted by Guy who is forced to fight him. With a horribly tragic end. Kaidou then shows up as a light of hope at the end of the tunnel, but then a new threat appears, The 11 Planetary Lords of Sol. This episode also marks our first bit of Betterman connectivity as Lamia makes his first appearance.



Please enjoy everyone, and carry The Oath Sworn With Courage with you always.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING 02: The Miracle Becomes a Legend!

[ClawSubs] GaoGaiGar FINAL GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING EPISODE 02- The Miracle Becomes a Legend!

Hey, Clawshrimpy here brining you the second episode of GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING. This one's... a real FEELS, Mamoru-focused episode. So, Mamoru's back from his space journey, but for some reason he attacks Kaidou and is stealing all of the Q-Parts (that thing the criminal from the very first episode stole?) and our heroes are unsure what to make of it, as this whole thing seems to be hitting Hana pretty hard. Gathering makes it way more gut-wrenching though because we also get some new Gathering-specific content this episode, namely Mamoru-centric recap with new narration to establish why everyone trusts him so much. So good, but it hurts so much. especially going by what's happening next episode. :(



Please enjoy everyone! I really enjoyed subbing it, even if I did break down in feels during that recap section.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING 01- The King of Braves is Reborn!

The King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING 01- "The King of Braves is Reborn!"

Clawshrimpy here with the first [clawsubs] release! In this episode, Evolder Guy and Chasseur G-Stone Cyborg Renee Cardif Shishioh with the help of their Vehicle Robos pursue a quirky robot leader of a crime syndicate, Gimlet. Also in this episode is a flashback to the battle with the New Machine Species Zonuda 1 year ago and how he ascended from Cyborg to superhuman Evolder. And it seems there is a new threat looming from space...

Direct Download Links:


(I'm sticking to direct download right now, because I'm still trying to work out how to set up trackers and torrents and crap!)

Anyway, if you have any feedback or problems please contact me!

Twitter: @Clawshrimpy


Saturday, May 30, 2015

First project announcement: The King of Braves GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING

Hey, Clawshrimpy here.

With the first episode almost ready to release, just have to finish up with encoding, I think it's time to formally announce the project.

I am happy to announce [clawsubs] first project, GaoGaiGar GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING!

What is this?

So, GRAND GLORIOUS GATHERING is esentially a "re-imagining" of GaoGaiGar FINAL. Taking FINAL's content for 12 TV length episodes as opposed to 8 OVAs.

So it's just FINAL spread out into 12 episodes?

Not exactly. It IS technically a remake, even if footage assets from both FINAL and the TV series are present here. Because they need to fill episode time to be able to spread FINAL out over 12 episodes, GATHERING turns that into an asset with brand new scenes, new narrator bits, appearances by Lamia from Betterman, and in some cases, some updated art assets! This becomes more pronounced later in the show.

GATHERING is also, unlike FINAL, very friendly to people who have never watched the TV series, or haven't re-watched in a while. This is because of some new recap sequences which serve to get new people up to speed. GATHERING also makes a big effort to combat some of FINAL'S biggest flaws, like toning down the fanservice a bit. (This aired on TV) and using the new scenes to explain some of the vague stuff, and enhance other parts of the story. (compare this to stuff like Gurren Lagann's "re-imagining" movies which doubled down on the fanservice and added a bunch of superflous things that weren't needed.)

Why would you bother subbing such a minor remake?

Because GaoGaiGar just feels..... incomplete without it. In my opinion, the stuff GATHERING adds really does make FINAL better, and I was already someone who would be a staunch defender of FINAL, flawed though it might be.

Wait, are you subbing this all by yourself?

correct, I don't have a team. So I do worry about screwing up a translation, especially since I'm still learning Japanese, so if any of you notice that I mistranslated a thing, let me know what it is, especially if you can put me in the right direction so I can go back and fix it and re-release the episode in question. At the end of the day, I think there are folks out there who just want this to get subbed, and if the person who has to do it is me, then so be it. I guess it's only ironic that I, having built a reputation of infamy around my thoughts on this show among the mecha community, it's only fitting that I try to do something about Grand Gloriious Gathering not being subbed, as a way to "give back" for all the arguments I've gotten into.

If you want to support me in trying this, I could use a translator to check my translations or help me with words or sentences I struggle with, or you could just off the cuff point out things I need to go and fix just by seeing my releases and pointing out mistakes to me. We're in this together and I just want to do this to express my love and passion for this wonderful, overlooked, show.

Provided there are those of you out there who'll be following along as I release episodes, It'll be fun to essentially watch this show in english together for the first time!

If you need to contact me, tweet at me at @Clawshrimpy, hit up my tumblr at
or just e-mail me at or add me on Steam (Claw) or Skype (clawshrimpy)

I look forward to both feedback, and potentially to talk about watching the show and what's going on with each episode! Expect the first episode very soon!

Oh and if we talk on twitter, let's get the word out to all GGG fans and get #somethingisgathering or maybe even #theoathofcourage trending.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Watch this space, Something is "gathering" on the horizon.

Clawshrimpy here, I know my name is something of a terrible curse within the greater mecha community, but I want to be able to do something to give back to mecha fans, not to ask for forgiveness for the way I've acted or my controversial opinions, but to instead be willing to put aside your differences for me, and allow me to test what I've learned in Japanese to be able to give you all something great.

So yes, I'm getting into this fansubbing business, and yes, I'm gonna have to try and do it all by myself, so releases are going to be slow.

"But Claw" you might be asking "You hate everything, what could you possibly want to fansub?"

While it's true that I am particular when it comes to my interests irt mecha anime, and the list of what I like and what I hate is vastly different. I've think I've found just the thing to work on.

I'm not gonna say what it is until the first release comes. But I already gave you a hint.

watch this blog and my twitter @Clawshrimpy for updates!